Parse JSON with Array

I have a JSON - File with an Array, and have problems to find the right way to loop through the array.
I downloaded the “XOJO User Guide Book 3 Framework” in the Apple iBook Store, because of the JSON Chapter. But I didn’t get it, how to parse Arrays in JSONs. :frowning:

My JSON is this one:

“d”: {
“results”: [12]
0: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘04’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘04’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2015”
“Month”: “04”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-2”
1: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘02’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘02’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2015”
“Month”: “02”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-3”
2: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘01’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2015’,Month=‘01’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2015”
“Month”: “01”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-5”
3: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘12’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘12’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “12”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-2”
4: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘11’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘11’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “11”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-1”
5: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘10’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘10’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “10”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-6”
6: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘09’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘09’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “09”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-2”
7: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘08’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘08’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “08”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-4”
8: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘07’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘07’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “07”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “1”
9: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘06’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘06’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “06”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-2”
10: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘05’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘05’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “05”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-3”
11: {
“__metadata”: {
“id”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘04’)
“uri”: “‘0000801120’,CompanyCode=‘1000’,Year=‘2014’,Month=‘04’)
“type”: “fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour”
“CustomerNo”: “0000801120”
“CompanyCode”: “1000”
“Year”: “2014”
“Month”: “04”
“AverageDaysInArrears”: “-3”


I want to get the Months, and AverageDaysInArrears.

For the AverageDaysInArreas I tried a lot of ways. I think it have to be something like:

[In String_Data is the JSON]

    dim root as new JSONItem( String_Data)
    dim rootItem as JSONItem = root.Value( "d" )
    dim readname as string = rootItem.Value( "AverageDaysInArrears" )
    MsgBox( readname )

The rootItem.Value( “AverageDaysInArrears” ) crashed in the Debugger. So I try something like:

    dim root as new JSONItem( String_Data)
    dim rootItem as JSONItem = root.Value( "d" )
    dim readname as string = rootItem.child(0).Value( "AverageDaysInArrears" )
    MsgBox( readname )

But it crashed again. :frowning:

The above string is not a valid JSONItem.

Think this one should be in another channel, not Customer Service.

Don’t know if this is the JSON you really have:

{ "d": { "results": [ 12 ], "0": { "__metadata": { "id": "", "uri": "", "type": "fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour" }, "CustomerNo": "0000801120", "CompanyCode": "1000", "Year": "2015", "Month": "04", "AverageDaysInArrears": "-2" }, "1": { "__metadata": { "id": "", "uri": "", "type": "fincustfactsheet.PaymentBehaviour" }, "CustomerNo": "0000801120", "CompanyCode": "1000", "Year": "2015", "Month": "02", "AverageDaysInArrears": "-3" }, ... } }
This would be the code:

[code] Dim json As New JSONItem(s)

Dim d_Item As JSONItem = json.Child(“d”)
Dim results_Array As JSONItem = d_Item.Child(“results”)
Dim result As Integer = results_Array.Value(0).IntegerValue

For i As Integer = 0 To result - 1
Dim arr As JSONItem = d_Item.Child(Str(i))
Dim averageDaysInArrears As String = arr.Value(“AverageDaysInArrears”).StringValue


Thanks Eli Ott,

but that code crash in the line:

Dim result As Integer = results_Array.Value(0).IntegerValue

because of a type mismatch problem.

Then your JSON is different than what I tried to reconstruct from the invalid JSON string in your original post.

Hmm, the JSON must be valid, because it is from a SAP Fiori App - and I copy it 1:1, I only changed the IP Address from the correct URL to :frowning:

Something must have happened in the copy and paste then, because Eli is right, that text, as posted, is not valid JSON. For example, something like this is not valid:

"CustomerNo": "0000801120"
"CompanyCode": "1000"
"Year": "2015"
"Month": "04"
"AverageDaysInArrears": "-2"

Now I have the RAW Data without a pretty printer:

Is this valid JSON Code?


Xojo.Data$ParseJSON parses JSON much better than the classic version.

Yes, the second posting of JSON is valid. Here is the website that was used to check JSON: JSON Formatter

Thanks Eugene Dakin, that was that what I searched for! Now it works! THANK YOU!