I find the “Classic” desktop way of positioning controls easy and less confusing than Layout Constraints in iOS.
However, constraints in iOS are useful to place controls in relation to other objects on a screen. And I learned to quickly design a iOS UI with these layout constraints.
The other day I opened the Google Maps app and changed it’s orientation from vertical to horizontal. I noticed that some elements adjusted to the new wider layout.
A list of locations, normally “pinned” to the bottom of the screen, changed to the left side of the screen. Kind of hovering over the map.
Vertical: Map with details / list below the map.
Horizontal: Details / List “hovering” over the map.
This could be done by setting up constraints for both a vertical as well as a horizontal screen.
It would be nice to make use of the orientation event, to apply a different set of constraints.
Since this doesn’t come straight out of the box with Xojo, are there some easy approaches to get something like this done?
For some inspiration I found this article: Orientation Responsive UI in iOS on the Medium website.