Open Source Paint Example

Does anybody know of a good open source paint example. I have found one called simple paint which is not quite what I was looking for because I was hoping for because it flickers badly on Windows. Does anybody know where I can find what I am looking for. Even it is just an improved version of Simple Paint. Here is the link if you want to help me fix it:

I am also would be interested in how you fixed it if you fix it. Thanks

I glanced through the project and made the following changes to remove flickering on Windows (Win7 here.)

In PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.Open add the following line:

 Me.DoubleBuffer = True

Then, in PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.MouseDrag change both calls to Refresh into calls to Me.Invalidate.

[quote=32561:@Andrew L.]I glanced through the project and made the following changes to remove flickering on Windows (Win7 here.)

In PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.Open add the following line:

 Me.DoubleBuffer = True

Then, in PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.MouseDrag change both calls to Refresh into calls to Me.Invalidate.[/quote]
Excellent thankyou. If this does not work I will come back to you. :slight_smile:

[quote=32561:@Andrew L.]I glanced through the project and made the following changes to remove flickering on Windows (Win7 here.)

In PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.Open add the following line:

 Me.DoubleBuffer = True

Then, in PaintWindow.ImageCanvas1.MouseDrag change both calls to Refresh into calls to Me.Invalidate.[/quote]
Thankyou so much. Problem is fully fixed.