NOOB - Plugin not recognized

Hello, I am transferring a project developed initially on windows on OSX, I use plugins GuancheMOS and ToringoDRMinfo.

On windows compiles perfectly, on osx I get the error “GuancheMOS does not exist”, but I get no error regarding TorignoDRMinfo.

I copied the plugin into the plugin directory in xojo.
What is wrong?

I would assume your Plugins are to old and no longer compatible with current OS/Xojo Versions.
GuancheMOS f.e. got it’s last update in 2008, correct? And the other one is even older.

I think you should contact the developers of those Plugins and ask them about compatibility with current OS/Xojo versions.

ok, I’ll try to contact the developers, but the plugin on windows work perfectly!
Why not work on OSX?

Carbon to Cocoa?

[quote=166295:@Nicola Messina]ok, I’ll try to contact the developers, but the plugin on windows work perfectly!
Why not work on OSX?[/quote]

Nicola, I guess the plugin only include the Windows part, or maybe as Markus said, it includes the Carbon target for Mac but not the Cocoa one. And Carbon is no longer supported on Xojo (as well deprecated by Apple).

Thanks for the answers!
While I wait for a response from “GuancheMOS” developers, can you recommend a plugin to generate software keys on osx?

Try AquaticPrime. Is not a plugin.
I ported it to Xojo code and @Thomas Tempelmann integrated it with the Windows part.

Thank You