NOOB - BMP Save Image problem

Ok, I have a problem with saving BMP images

Software open the original image, scale it to 640x480 and save as BMP file, on windows work fine, on osx make this.

It 'a bug ?, I forgot something in the code?

Assuming it didnt look like this to begin with, does your Mac have the Haswell chip set?

Yes, my mac have an Haswell CPU, my laptop with windows 8 have an haswell cpu.
The program was compiled for osx on windows 8, now i make a test to check if compiling on osx change the result.


The problem remains, both using an osx compiled program on windows or mac, i can try on an SandyBridge CPU in the evening.
However this problem is a xojo bug?

it’s the same problem, only reversed

Initially, sorry for my english.

ok boys, i’ve made some trial with xcode and cocoa (i’m a very newbie in cocoa).
I hope there is a developer better than me with xcode can help to solve this problem.

Using sample code “MyRecorder” i get a frame from mac camera, this frame is an CIImage object, now, to save a “CIImage” i need to convert it to an “NSbitmapImageRep”, and get the “NSData” and finally save to disk. in this case the output image is sliced like xojo program.

Otherwise if i convert che “CIImage” object to an “NSImage” object and then i get directly the “NSData” using “TIFFRepresentation” from “NSImage” everything goes well and the bmp image is ok.

maybe in xojo we need to do something similar ?

My boss, Giacomo, have opened a bug report in xojo <>
But xojo team does not find a way to reproduce the problem, we need more information.

Please, everyone using a MAC can try the test program to see if the image saved as bitmap appears sliced or not? and post the result?

From the picture format I bet you are generating a Windows executable on your Mac.

This has been discussed before :

The solution is to build on Windows.

[quote=170275:@Michel Bujardet]From the picture format I bet you are generating a Windows executable on your Mac.

This has been discussed before :

The solution is to build on Windows.[/quote]
Thanks for answer,

But, no, not work, the program is written on windows, but is buided on Windows and on OSX for both OS, and the image on osx executable is sliced.

I’ve tested all combinations and the result does not change, on Windows work well, on OSX image are sliced.

[quote=170281:@Nicola Messina]Thanks for answer,

But, no, not work, the program is written on windows, but is buided on Windows and on OSX for both OS, and the image on osx executable is sliced.

I’ve tested all combinations and the result does not change, on Windows work well, on OSX image are sliced.[/quote]

Have you tried building for Mac on Windows ?

Yes, using my code or the test project provided by Robin Lauryssen-Mitchell, but the problem still remain.
I’ve tested it, on more versions of xojo, from 2014r2.1 to 2015r1 and nothing change.

As a workaround maybe you can perform that sequence in Xojo using MacOSLib.

Also I tried your ImgTest2 project and don’t get slices, but I’m also pretty sure I don’t have the Haswell chip, whatever that has to do with it?

my mac have haswell chip but i not understand why haswell chip should cause problems