I am new to XOJO and I keep getting “An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The application must shut down.” on this block of code:
// get date stuff
d = New Date
s = d.Second
m = d.Minute
h = d.Hour
today = d.shortTime
dateandtime = d.longdate
if temperature <> 11111 then
TimeOfDayLabel.text = dateandtime + " "+ today+" | " + str(Temperature) + "°F"
TimeOfDayLabel.text = dateandtime + " "+ today
The program keeps erroring out on this line: TimeOfDayLabel.text = dateandtime + " "+ today
Guessing from context, dateandtime and today are both strings, while Temperature is an integer or double. Therefore, the only object that could be nil on that line is TimeOfDayLabel. Examine all 4 values in the debugger. Check to make sure you haven’t dim’d a local variable named TimeOfDayLabel.
In addition to what Tim suggested… Is this code perhaps in the Open event handler of a control on a window, and you are trying to access a property of a different control (TimeOfDayLabel)? If so, move your code to the window’s Open handler, which runs after all the control Open handlers. Only then can you be assured that all controls have been created.
Thanks for the suggestions. This is the entire code on this page. I could not see a dim for TimeOfDayLabel.
Dim s As Integer
Dim m As Integer
Dim h As Integer
Dim d As Date
// get date stuff
d = New Date
s = d.Second
m = d.Minute
h = d.Hour
today = d.shortTime
dateandtime = d.longdate
if temperature <> 11111 then
TimeOfDayLabel.text = dateandtime + " "+ today+" | " + str(Temperature) + "°F"
TimeOfDayLabel.text = dateandtime + " "+ today
if currentpressure > maxpressure then
maxpressure = currentPressure
if maxPressure >= PSIField.text.val then
lowerline = true
if MaxPressure >= OverPressure then
lowerline = false
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7A) and DebugPressureField.visible = false Then
DebugPressureField.visible = True
DebugPressureField.Enabled = true
elseif Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h7A) and DebugPressureField.visible = true then
DebugPressureField.Visible = False
DebugPressureField.Enabled = false
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h6D) Then
PressureDataListbox.visible = True
If Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(&h6F) Then
PressureDataListbox.visible = false
if SaveSwitch = True Then
steps = numberofFiles
call mConvertToPDF
SaveSwitch = False
It look like its missing a variable, but I am not sure what that variable might be as not additional information is provided?
Its in the control section of a Window.
That should be a CONTROL that was placed on the appropriate window
unless you are dynamically creating it, then you WOULD have a DIM with a NEW parmaeter… but as you indicated this was all the code, we know this isn’t the case.
And if it IS a control on a window… you need to make sure the scope is correct.
If you code is in a Module, then you need to prepend the Label name with the Window Name
But where on the page? What event? If it’s inside a control Open event, then because of control open order, you’re referencing TimOfDayLabel before it has been created/opened. If so, you have 2 options.
Move the code that affects TimeOfDayLabel into the open event of TimeOfDayLabel.
Move all the code to the Window Open event, which fires after all the controls have been created.