Need some clarification on Shared Properties, Properties and their use

Hi All.

I have been cleaning up some of my VERY redundant code, and wound up with a situation that is confusing me. Maybe minds with more wisdom can clear this up for me.

I have a variable that I use in a number of methods in a Module:

var myDatabase as New SQLiteDatabase

Since this will NOT change during the program (once you choose your database that is what you are working on) I figured make it a shared property:

App-> Shared Properties -> myDatabase / SQLiteDatabase / Public

But if I use it in ANY of my Methods I get a NIL.
Why? Should it not be available for any code, Method or otherwise?


That line creates a variable and initialises it.

This one:

App-> Shared Properties -> myDatabase / SQLiteDatabase / Public

just creates the variable/property.

You need to initialise it, either when the app starts, or just-in-time when you want to use it.


if app.myDatabase = nil then app.myDatabase = new SQLiteDatabase

Also, App is a single instance of the Application class (called a “singleton”) so you can just use a regular property, not a shared property.

Shared Properties on App are highly recommended. They are considerably faster than Properties, for some reason.

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Faster yes, but it’s a reduction in time in a very small amount to begin with so most people won’t notice the few milliseconds savings.

Other ideas:

  • create a module, and have your database be a global property of the module.
  • If this is a document based app, think about the situation where the user has two or more windows open at once. Maybe the database should be part of the window class, not the app?

The source quotes it as 20 times faster. That’s not insignificant.

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It’s very inefficient, yes, but the actual impact on your app speed overall might not matter in many cases, especially in this situation, where the person is simply grabbing a reference to a database.
There’s a 12-year-old feature request to speed this up for anyone interested: :rofl:

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I’ve signed on and would encourage others to do so. It would especially benefit anyone using App properties in a large loops. The same is true of App methods, Shared methods are currently faster.

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2017… Are you sure that is still relevant ?

Function calls are suposed to be faster in the last release, is that a fix also for this issue? @Mike_D ,@Christian_Schmitz ?

Yes, it is still different. I’ve created an app with a Property and a Shared Property. Running the following code in a button Pressed event results in the following numbers:

#Pragma DisableBackgroundTasks Off
#Pragma DisableBoundsChecking Off

Var dStart As Double = System.Microseconds

For nLoop As Integer = 0 To 100000000
  App.Prop = 1

Var dStop As Double = System.Microseconds

For nLoop As Integer = 0 To 100000000
  App.sProp = 1

Var dStop2 As Double = System.Microseconds

#Pragma DisableBackgroundTasks On
#Pragma DisableBoundsChecking On

Var diffProp As Integer = dStop - dStart
Var diffSharedProp As Integer = dStop2 - dStop

MessageBox "Property : " + Format( diffProp, "0" ) + Chr(13) + "Shared Property : " + Str( diffSharedProp, "0" )

Property : 13119888
Shared : 9708281

Shared is 26% faster.

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Well, 0.2 faster is not the same as the 20 times faster claimed before.

This “difference” is not even measurable on individual calls.

The 20 times was not my claim, I pointed to the source. App. is not just used once it could well be a property that is involved in a loop. Just saying it’s worth considering. My loop aves 3.4 seconds, so it can be worth while.

Shared Properties

if you use a class with Shared Properties or Methods it can be accessed without creating the object, you could just write the classname and then the property or method name. often useful.

i use a subclass version of the database class and create the db where i need it.

if i need a query i use:

Var db As New DB
Var rs As RowSet = db.SelectSQL("Select * From table Where rowid=?", id)

class DB with Super SQLiteDatabase

Public Sub Constructor()
  // Calling the overridden superclass constructor.
  Self.DatabaseFile = File()
End Sub

Public Sub Destructor()
End Sub

Public Function File() As FolderItem
  Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("Database").Child("Office.Xojo.sqlite")
  System.DebugLog f.NativePath
  Return f
End Function

Good to know the difference is down to expectable values, if it really had been 20 x at a time.
Speed difference is because of every normal property and method of a class will get the instance itself passed as a hidden property. If you design a shared method that will expect an instance as input, you should theoretically find the same performance as a class method without this parameter.