"native" pie charts

Is it possible to draw pie charts without using extra additional external thirdparties plugins ?

Sure. Anything they can do you can do too. Might just take you a bit longer …

Of course.
A pie chart is just a collection of segments.

Check out the properties and examples of ArcShape.

Here is one showing 25% (90 degrees)
-1.57 radians is ‘the top’
1.57 radians is ‘clockwise 90 degrees’ or ‘clockwise 25% of 2 PI’

use this code in the paint event of a canvas

Dim a As New ArcShape a.ArcAngle = 1.57 a.StartAngle = -1.57 a.FillColor = RGB(255, 0, 127) g.DrawObject(a, 100, 100)


Check this: https://forum.xojo.com/4758-release-of-chartpart-v2-0/0

You can even draw 3D Pie Charts with Xojo

ChartPart is a good open source solution.
If you are looking for more features have a look at ChartView (compatible with Desktop and WebApps): http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/chartview.php

I am a very happy user of ChartView and can highly recommend it!

[quote=137863:@JrmieLeroy]You can even draw 3D Pie Charts with Xojo

ChartPart is a good open source solution.
If you are looking for more features have a look at ChartView (compatible with Desktop and WebApps): http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/chartview.php[/quote]

Jeremie, I think the download link on your site is broken… thanks

It doesn’t work for me either, goes to a web error page.

Side Note: Custom UI looks pretty awesome, I have to say!

Download links are corrected. Thank you for reporting the problem.

Interesting, but the arcs seem to have jagged edges?