MySQL Problem

I am using Mysql Database via RemoteSQL. I had a strange problem, I have installed the same app in 14 PCs, but there is only one PC refuse to connect. its said can’t connect to MYSQL server on ' (4). Ping test was normal, and can connect to the internet.
this problem happen since a week ago, before was running smoothly.

Does anyone ever experience the same problem ?


Any local Antivirus/Firewall software that is blocking your app connectint to the port. If you can safely try with firewall/AV turned off does that help?

As a start: Check for blocked Ports on the Client and make a Traceroute from the Client to the Server.

What’s the error?

Are all the PCs in the same LAN?
All of them use the same DB User?
Same OS?
Installed some new software?

Try running an nmap port scan to see if port 3306 is open.

If that is successful, then login to the mysql cli and check the user’s access rights via show grants command.

Try telnet IP port to check if you can access the server/port from that machine, if not, try traceroute or check firewalls on both sides.

Finally I found the problem. The ISP does not allowing to access port. 3306.
now its worked .

thanks for all the helps.


[quote=417294:@Arief Sarjono]Hi,
Finally I found the problem. The ISP does not allowing to access port. 3306.
now its worked .

thanks for all the helps.


Please don’t say that you try to access a Database which is exposed to the Internet? :wink:

I did, I am using app with remoteSQL, its almost run for 3 years on Linuxmint. Is there any problem that I have to be worried about ?
I do never realize if its will cause a problem.


[quote=417303:@Arief Sarjono]I did, I am using app with remoteSQL, its almost run for 3 years on Linuxmint. Is there any problem that I have to be worried about ?
I do never realize if its will cause a problem.


Not a problem per se, but it can be a security issue. In most cases one would try to avoid having a Database accessible from the internet. Better use a/multiple dialog server(s) which route/translate/transform the information between the Internet and the Intranet.

The IT guys in our company would never allow such a system. We even try to avoid direct communication between our own intranet only systems, wherever possible. So we can make sure that issues in one system won’t in most cases affect the other systems.

oh, i see.

thanks for the info. Will start move it slowly to the web server programming.
