MySQL Prepared Statement error

I’m building a prepared statement dynamically based on the controls on a form. Here’s the essential part of the code:

[code]dim values() as string // array of data values
dim fields() as string // array of database field names
dim bindtypes() As integer // array of BIND types for the prepared statement
dim statementParts() as string // pieces used to build the full query
dim query as string // the full query
dim ps as MySQLPreparedStatement

. . . [fill the above arrays]

// now build the prepared statement:
for i as integer = 0 to values.Ubound
statementParts.append fields(i) + “=?”
query = "UPDATE singers SET " + Join(statementParts, ", “) + " WHERE singer_id=” + str(currentSingerId)
ps = db.prepare(query)
system.debuglog "QUERY: " + query

// now do the binding:
for i as integer = 0 to fields.Ubound
system.debuglog “Binding field #” + str(i) +": ‘" + fields(i) + "’ to ‘" + values(i) + "’ bindtype=" + str(bindtypes(i))
ps.BindType(i, bindtypes(i))
ps.Bind(i, values(i))

ps.SQLExecute query[/code]

This code looks OK to me, but obviously it isn’t, because I’m getting this error message right after the ps.SQLExecute line:

1 parameters are being bound, but 19 types were specified

Here’s the output from the debug log; it sure looks like 19 parameters are being bound.

QUERY: UPDATE singers SET firstname=?, lastname=?, nickname=?, email_primary=?, email_other=?, address1=?, address2=?, zip=?, city=?, phone_cell=?, phone_other=?, height_ft=?, height_in=?, occupation=?, company=?, state=?, other_groups=?, medical_conditions=?, special_accom=? WHERE singer_id=1 Binding field #0: 'firstname' to 'Ford' bindtype=254 Binding field #1: 'lastname' to 'Prefect' bindtype=254 Binding field #2: 'nickname' to 'Chevy' bindtype=254 Binding field #3: 'email_primary' to '' bindtype=254 Binding field #4: 'email_other' to '' bindtype=254 Binding field #5: 'address1' to '4242 Main Street' bindtype=254 Binding field #6: 'address2' to 'Suite 42' bindtype=254 Binding field #7: 'zip' to '12345' bindtype=254 Binding field #8: 'city' to 'Cornwall-upon-Foobar' bindtype=254 Binding field #9: 'phone_cell' to '888-555-1234' bindtype=254 Binding field #10: 'phone_other' to '888-555-4321' bindtype=254 Binding field #11: 'height_ft' to '6' bindtype=254 Binding field #12: 'height_in' to '4' bindtype=254 Binding field #13: 'occupation' to 'Alien' bindtype=254 Binding field #14: 'company' to 'Hitchhiker's Guide' bindtype=254 Binding field #15: 'state' to 'VA' bindtype=254 Binding field #16: 'other_groups' to '' bindtype=254 Binding field #17: 'medical_conditions' to '' bindtype=254 Binding field #18: 'special_accom' to '' bindtype=254

Any help is appreciated, as I’m sure I’m doing something dumb. Thanks!

After 60 views you may be wondering why no-one has replied.
It looks correct, basically.

Are you debugging in 32 bit and building in 64?
Maybe the JOIN statement is failing

Man, I had to look at this about six times before I saw it because it’s the very last line. After doing all that work, you end up supplying exactly one value to the statement, and that’s query. The last line should be simply SQLExecute with no parameters.

Wow, @Kem Tekinay , brilliant! Thanks for reading until the end of the story!