Multiple screens?

Is it possible to have multiple screens in an iOS project, and how would I switch to a new screen?

you basically get one “screen” per device type

in that screen you switch views

Is it then possible to have an app where one view does not have tabs, and another with tabs?

I thought that tabs were handled on the screen level, not on the view level.

[quote=166895:@Jonathan L]Is it then possible to have an app where one view does not have tabs, and another with tabs?
No - at least “not at this time” as this would require swapping out the top level controller object

[quote=166895:@Jonathan L]Is it then possible to have an app where one view does not have tabs, and another with tabs?

I thought that tabs were handled on the screen level, not on the view level.[/quote]

What do you want to do exactly ? Have a part of your app with tab navigation between views (how many), and one view with no tab ?

Correct … maybe an introduction screen (with no tabs) where the user flips through a series of views (like a Wizard), eventually bringing the user to a final screen with two tabs.

use different views

I have a similar need; in my case it is to have about 5 images that the user can swipe through on first running the app to point out a few of the features (and which I’ll use to explain new features in later versions). I’m doing it by pushing a modal view on top of the tab bars and then using a page control to show a series of images.

Note that you can use views with no tab at all, and just use a rectangle and canvases to simulate one when you need it.

To flip through views, you may want to have a look at GitHub - sbeardsl/xojoGestures: XoJo module for attaching UIGestureRecognizers to Views or use canvases to capture touches.