Multiple applications terminated

We built a web application for a client, which has been up & running
for over a year now.

We have two servers hosting the app: production & development.
Both servers are Centos linux.

The development server has a single instance of the app running,
while the production server runs 8 instances, which increases
throughput and provides the client with a better user experience.

Suddenly, with no notice or warning, all the apps went offline
(we were notified by the client) - just no longer running.

And here’s the real mystery: the app on the development server
died also.

We searched every log file we could think of, and can find no
trace of any error, with either the application or the system.

So my questions are:

Has anyone experienced a situation where a xojo web applicaton
just “goes away” ?

Is there any reason why a xojo web app should not be expected to
stay up for very long periods of time?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Robert Meyer

First guess: Some code somewhere saying if Today > 10/27/2017 Exit()

Second guess: Some CentOS update that was applied to both servers that broke something.

Does your app connect to a MySQL database? I had an app suddenly stop working after about a year and it was due to the MySQL user password expiring. This is a new security feature apparently and I found a solution on Stack Overflow for resetting.

Try to run the .cgi in a terminal:

cd /path/to/application ./applicationname.cgi

Sometimes useful info about the error is shown.

If doing what Jose suggests above produces an error code HY000/1862 then check out this post for the solution: