Movie.MouseDown does not exist

I am working with Xojo 2021r2.1 and there is no Movie.MouseDown…

I get an eye on the current version, and this event exists, but in DesktopMoviePlayer.

Is there’s a work-around ?

It sounds reasonable to me. MouseDown is a control event; “Movie” is a class to reference a movie, not a control.

And in DesktopPushButton and most other UI controls.
Does it sound weird to you that a string has no MouseDown event? If no, it’s the same reasoning for a “movie” object.

Must I wrote MoviePlayer.MouseDown ?

If you intend to talk about the MoviePlayer class rather than the Movie class, then yes.

Apparently, even the DesktopMoviePlayer class can’t handle MouseDown events (even if it has one):
Have you tried the old trick of putting a canvas in front of the MoviePlayer (which resizes accordingly to always cover it entirely), and that canvas then handles the MouseDown event?

If you can’t see MouseDown with MoviePlayer but you can see it with DesktopMoviePlayer it may mean that they show the event by mistake, like:
#76756 - MouseDown doesn’t fire for SearchField

so, even when you see a MouseDown it may not work at all (yes, even if the documentation mentions MouseDown).

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The work-around is to use a Canvas above the MoviePlayer and trap there the MouseDown. Works fine unless you also recover the controller bar at the MoviePlayer bottom.

And some hours after I implemented that solution, I feel that using buttons (out of the MoviePlayer) can be a better solution (more intuitive) and keep MouseDown for other stuff. (like a double click to set the MoviePlayer Full Screen).