I have code which saves a file with a new icon, and want to make sure the Finder updates it propely.
- In the old days, I used Folderitem.FinderUpdateMBS, but this is Carbon 32 bit only
- Another way is to send an ‘fupd’ appleEvent to the finder, e.g.
#if TargetMacOS
Function UpdateInfInder(f as folderItem) as boolean
dim ae as New AppleEvent ("fndr", "fupd", "MACS")
if ae <> nil then
Dim list as AppleEventDescList = New AppleEventDescList
list.AppendFolderItem (f)
ae.DescListParam("----") = list
return ae.Send
return false
But I’m worried that in Mojave this may not be allowed.
Any ideas?