It looks like Xojo doesnt allow you to set the style property. I dont know if iOSDesignExtensions has anything to do this yet, but you need to set the preferredDatePickerStyle: Apple Developer Documentation
Since Apple made a new design for the DatePicker in iOS 13, it no longer use the old „style“. Xojo draws the iOS controls itself within the IDE. That’s different then the Desktop. Since you can use older iOS versions of the simulator, made me feel they don’t see an urgent update of the IDE drawing of MobileDatePicket.
Not yet, but it will be available in next release.
You can change the DatePicker display style like this:
Public Enum UIDatePickerStyle
automatic = 0
End Enum
Then set the style:
Static sSystemVersion As Double
//Get sSystemVersion only once
If sSystemVersion = 0.0 Then
Declare Function currentDevice_ Lib "UIKit.framework" selector "currentDevice" (clsRef As ptr) As ptr
Declare Function systemversion_ Lib "UIKit.framework" selector "systemVersion" (obj_id As ptr) As CFStringRef
Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (name As CFStringRef) As Ptr
Dim device As Ptr = currentDevice_(NSClassFromString("UIDevice"))
Dim systemVersion As Text = systemversion_(device)
sSystemVersion = Double.FromText(systemVersion)
End Try
End If
if sSystemVersion >= 13.4 then
declare sub preferredDatePickerStyle lib "UIKit.framework" selector "setPreferredDatePickerStyle:" (obj as ptr, mode as UIDatePickerStyle)
Dim style As UIDatePickerStyle = UIDatePickerStyle.wheels
preferredDatePickerStyle(DateTimePicker1.Handle, style)
End If