method question

I am trying to create a generalized method that I can pass my database name to through a parameter e.g (opendb(“urldb.sqlite”)
When I run the following code I get the error message that says the file cant be found at the specified location. Can anyon tellme what I am doing wrong?
Dim dbFile As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(“dbame”)
Dim db As New SQLiteDatabase
dbFile = GetFolderItem(“dbname”)
db.DatabaseFile = dbFile
If db.Connect Then
//proceed with database operations here.
MsgBox("The database couldn’t be opened. Error: " + db.ErrorMessage)

	End If

[code]Dim dbFile As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(“dbame”)
Dim db As New SQLiteDatabase
dbFile = GetFolderItem(“dbname”)
db.DatabaseFile = dbFile
If db.Connect Then
//proceed with database operations here.
MsgBox("The database couldn’t be opened. Error: " + db.ErrorMessage)

End If[/code]

In the first line you get the file “dbname” from specialfolder.Desktop, two lines later to overwrite this with applicationfolder/dbname. Delete line 3 & try again.

From what you are saying, it sounds like dbname is the variable you are passing to this method, and not the actual file name. If so, it shouldn’t be in quotes.

Dim dbFile As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(dbame)

Alternatively, your first call is “dbame” and the second is “dbname”, missing the “n” in the middle.

A big thank you to all who replied to my inquiry! The code now works the way I wanted it to.