Menu.Name You cannot have a Menu Bar that contains DesktopMenuItems when the project contains deprecated Windows. Convert all Windows to DesktopWindows first

Opened a very old project. I’m getting this error when I try to run it:

You cannot have a Menu Bar that contains DesktopMenuItems when the project contains deprecated Windows. Convert all Windows to DesktopWindows first.

I can find no window that doesn’t descend from DesktopWIndow (I do have a hierarchy of windows; I wonder if this is confusing Xojo). Advice?

Save your project as a Xojo Project (old Text version) and open the .xojo_project file in a text editor. Use a left column search for Window instead of DesktopWindow.

Thanks for the advice.

The only window I have that comes up with #tag Window is one that descends through a hierarchy from a DesktopWindow.

It only takes one to cause that warning :slight_smile:

But as I say, it ultimately descends from a DesktopWindow.

… and it must also be a DesktopWindow.

There is no way to change it to a DesktopWindow while keeping its inheritance hierarchy as far as I can tell.

Making it a class rather than a window that has the same inheritance hierarchy seems to have fixed the issue.

Now I only have to deal with the 358 other conversion issues…

You can have an application with a mix of Windows and DesktopWindows but Windows need a Menu and DesktopWindows need a DesktopMenu. There is obviously nothing stopping you having both menus in your application and using the right one for the right window.