Memory Leak in CSV Parser

I’ve got a significant memory leak in this little bit of code that parses out a single line from a CSV file:

Public Function ParseCSVRow(row As String) As String()
  //  parses a single row of CSV data
  //  properly handles embedded commas, but nothing more complex than that
  Var flds() As String
  var fld As String
  Var i As Integer
  Var fieldStart As Integer = 0
  Var insideQuotes As Boolean = False
  Var currentChar As String
  For i = 0 To row.Length-1
    currentChar = row.Middle(i, 1)
    If currentChar = """" Then
      insideQuotes = Not insideQuotes
    ElseIf currentChar = "," And Not insideQuotes Then
      flds.Add(row.Middle(fieldStart, i - fieldStart).Trim)
      fieldStart = i + 1
  flds.Add(row.Middle(fieldStart).Trim)  //  catch the last field
  // flds = row.ToArray(",")
  For i = 0 To flds.LastIndex
    fld = flds(i)
    If fld.Left(1) = """" And fld.Right(1) = """" Then
      flds(i) = fld.Middle(1, fld.Len - 2)
  Return flds
End Function

The CSV file is about 5 MB, with about 32,000 lines of 8 fields. I don’t hold onto any of the data, it gets inserted directly into a SQLite db, but the app’s memory usage will go from 45MB to as high as 35GB.

i have replaced the above code with a simple row.ToArray(“,”) and there are no leaks, but the data has embedded commas so I can’t use ToArray().

I have also tried the Xcode Instruments app to narrow things down a little more, but haven’t been able to get it to record - it gives a “Required kernel recording resources are in use by another document.” error.

Does anyone have any ideas here? I’m stuck…

This code is incomplete in that we don’t see how and when you are initializing flds. Can you post the entire method?

I’ve updated the original post with the full method.

Norman has an open source CSV parser that may be of use:

In the repository is a 23mb test CSV, and I assume the code works well with that test. I can’t say I’ve ever had a project where I’ve used this, but it could be worth a shot.

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I don’t see anything here. What if you comment out the code where the data is actually stored to the DB, does that make a difference?

@Kem_Tekinay I have isolated it to just the code block that parses into fields. I have commented out the DB insert code, and the code that takes the fields and converts them to a class instance.

You can see in the code that I have a commented out row.ToArray() call. If I use this line and comment out the loop above it there is no memory leak.

I guess I can build a minimal test app to see if it really is just that code, but I can’t see why it would leak either.

I built a stripped-down test app and it shows very tiny increases (0.1 MB) in app memory usage when parsing that same 5 MB file.

I am going to start adding parts of the main app to the test app to see where that leak is really coming from.

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Alrighty… So it’s not the CSV parsing code. I don’t know how I came to that conclusion other than I must have been commenting out to many things at the same time when trying to isolate the problem.

The leak is in instantiating a class from the data. I’ll play some more with it, but I’ll start a new thread if needed.

Sorry for the false alarm…