MDI Possible?

I need to know whether it is possible to make A MDI in XOJO
IF it can then tell me the procedure for it

In build settings for Windows, set MDI on.

Also, setting the Channel to Windows is a better choice.

You can do that now. Click in Controls and activate the appropriate entry to change the channel.


Can you Share A screenshot plz ,not able to find that option

On the left of the IDE, look for “Build Settings”. Below are the platforms you can build for. Click on Windows. Then in the Inspector on the right, you have the MDI switch and MDI Caption.

Not sure if MDI is still a good idea. The child windows’ form title caption bar and border no longer draw with the native Windows theme from Win 8 onwards. When MDI app is run in Win10, the MDI parent window will have the same theme as Win10 but the child form will not and they look “old” and awful. For this reason, I am moving away from MDI. Microsoft too has moved away from MDI, especially notable in their Microsoft Office.

Naturally, since MDI is a Windows thing, they are not supported in OSX and Linux apps.

Windows Build Settings

Since Microsoft has left this Windows only MDI-approach, it should not be used in new designs.
It’s as @Cho Sing Kum stated above.

Indeed today MDI is kind of old fashion :wink:

Thank you Very Very much !
Got that Option :slight_smile: :smiley:

Thank you si much :slight_smile: :smiley:
It works :smiley:

I know MDI is old but for a Purpose am Using this feature otherwise I will not use this …Thank you all for the valuable feedback