I’m trying to test making a PDF with a table in a Web app using MBSDynaPDF. I changed the simple “Create PDF” Project in the Web Examples folder, using this simple Create method, which is just trying to put a one-row two-column table on the page:
[code]Dim d As New date
dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(“Create PDF.pdf”)
pdf.SetLicenseKey “Starter”
call pdf.CreateNewPDF nil
call pdf.SetPageCoords pdf.kpcTopDown
Call pdf.Append
Dim table As DynaPDFTableMBS = pdf.CreateTable(1, 2, 500, 25)
Call pdf.SetFont “Arial”, pdf.kfsNormal, 8.0, True, pdf.kcp1252
Call table.SetCellText(0, 0, 1, 1, “Row One Cell One”)
Call table.SetCellText(0, 1, 1, 1, “Row One Cell Two”)
Call table.DrawTable(50, 100)
call pdf.EndPage
call pdf.CloseFile[/code]
The button that calls the above method is unchanged:
[code]Dim pdf As New MyDynapdfMBS
create pdf
CurrentFile = new WebFile
CurrentFile.Filename = “test.pdf”
CurrentFile.MIMEType = “application/pdf”
CurrentFile.Data = pdf.GetBuffer
HTMLViewer1.URL = CurrentFile.URL[/code]
Nothing shows on the page when executed.