MBS Xojo Conference, day 2

Welcome back for the second day.

Today, the hotel just put the breakfast in the lobby for everybody, so please enjoy!

We started and @Paul Lefebvre is speaking:

Time for lunch.

We are collecting slides and samples for the download area on our website for the attendees.
So if you have something to share, you can send me a copy.

Last year we joked about our plugin collection being the Swiss army knife for Xojo. So we manufactured a couple of small pocketknives and gave them to the attendees:

No worries, the blade is below 6cm, so they should be no problem for airplanes. Just put them in checked luggage or for the x-ray on the tray for hand luggage.

They look cool. :slight_smile:

For all MBS customers? :slight_smile:

Please attend to get gifts. :slight_smile:



Nobody. Told. Me. There. Would. Be. Knives!

It’s a surprise.

Like the topic from @Yousaf Shah 's presentation.

We are in the last block.

We have more things to raffle, so please stay for the end to get one of the prizes.

Conference done. I got video files to work on the next weeks and I think people liked the conference.

Thanks to Christian and Stefany for hosting this great conference.


We meet 18:30 in hotel lobby for walk to dinner.

Anyone else coming for dinner?
Three seats left …

Agreed. Many thanks to Christian & team. Although health prevented me from getting out in the evenings, I enjoyed it very much. Thanks a lot.

Thank everyone for wonderful conference!!!

Anyone at the bar?

It indeed was a great conference.
Thank you Christian and Stefany for organizing this conference.