The conference has been announced: Conference Website
Before Christmas, business is always busy, but I wanted to get this out, so people can plan vacations around it.
If you have questions, please ask.
The hotel told us there is a big exposition earlier the same week, so hotel rooms may not be available for the whole week. The conference rate is valid for stays from 23rd to 27th October 2019.
10 month til the conference.
If you have no present for Christmas, how about a trip to Cologne in Germany for next year?
Bring your wife/kids and visit the city, join the conference and have a great time with us!
Today we email all our plugin users.
So if you are quick, you can get the special price for first 20 people.
A few signed up already.
We have six countries and still a few tickets for lowest price available.
(and plenty early bird tickets)
Don’t forget to look for young developers to sign up for our free tickets!
Young developers up to 25 years of age can apply for a free ticket till 24th April 2019.
Nine month till European MBS Xojo Conference 2019 in Cologne.
A few registrations came in in January already. For the first 20 tier, we have 5 tickets left. Anyone interested?
Sending reminders today to past conference attendees to give everyone a chance for tickets at lowest prices.
Especially everyone traveling under budget should consider reserving seat early.
- Get lowest price by signing up now.
- Reserve hotel room
- arrange traveling in summer
Financial you can have
- pay conference ticket in spring
- pay airline or train ticket in summer, when you still get a super cheap rate
- pay your local expenses in Cologne in October
- pay hotel via credit card in November
so cost is distributed over the year and doesn’t hurt so much.
Eight months till European MBS Xojo Conference 2019 in Cologne
If you want to benefit from the first 20 tickets offer, please hurry and sign up. We got three of them left.
Another signup, so 2 left. Who wants them?
To clarify:
We have plenty of tickets, but we separated them into different tiers.
Just for the cheapest category, we got 2 tickets left.
Today we send out a first batch of invoices for conference tickets.
As the hotel likes to get an advance from us soon, we appreciate if the invoices get paid quickly.
PS: If you signed up and don’t get an invoice today, you could contact us to make sure you are on the list.
19 of the very early bird tickets are gone. One left. Who wants to sign up today?
Extra sight seeing for our MBS Xojo Conference in Cologne
For 22nd October, we’ll organize a guided private tour to the roof of the cathedral (or with bad weather to the underground or backstage parts). We can invite up to 15 people for the tour. Let us know if you are interested to join us.
Participants need to be 16 year old. They do have a cargo lift, but if it’s not available or broken that day, we may need to take the 240 steps to walk up. Please sign up for the conference, make your hotel reservation and let us know whether you have time. Same evening we may go for dinner after the tour. Start time is probably around 15:30 o’clock at the hotel.
First sessions are now listed. We’ll add more sessions and guests as soon as they confirm.
We’ve added a new session with David Cox:
Bucket Chemistry.
How to use CURLMBS to store your files in Amazon AWS and/or Alibaba. Upload, download, delete and list your files easily. Also how to massively reduce your monthly AWS storage costs down to merely cents.
We have now 30 people from 8 countries.
Looking forward to more as a lot of people have not yet signed up and decided to come.
Early bird pricing till 25th April.
PS: if you have difficulties to pay for your ticket, please contact us, too. The conference can be a chance to find a job as consultant or employee.
We are happy to see Christian Mzes return and speak about Arduino:
Data acquisition and data processing with Arduino and Xojo
Arduino is an easy-to-use and inexpensive open-source electronics platform. With Arduino boards you can easily read sensor data and turn the data into an output. You can control the board by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. While the Arduino boards bring their own programming environment, I will show you some interesting examples where we use Xojo to send commands to the board and to acquire/process data from the board.