Hi all, I have a chart with several layers of line data from different sources and different ranges that I want to hide by index using some checkbox filters I made. I see that CDLineLayer and CDLayer let you select a layer and do things like SetLineWidth, but seems like only for newly drawn layers. Is that so, the only way to hide a layer is to redraw or am I missing something? Thanks!
Some of what I tried follows:
Dim c As New CDXYChartMBS
c = self.trackLineLegend1.c
dim layer As CDLayerMBS
Dim nLayers As Integer = c.GetLayerCount
if index = 0 Then
If uncertaintyCheckbox(0).Value = False Then //unchecked, Hide +/- 1 std dev
layer = c.getLayer(nLayers - 3)
layer = c.getLayerByZ(nLayers - 2)
Else //checked, show +/- 1 std dev
Else if index = 1 ....
trackLineLegend1.Backdrop = c.makeChartPicture
//add c to property to manipulate later
trackLineLegend1.c = c