Good afternoon
Playing around with the MBS Camera plugin…
Anyway…have an EOS M50 MK II here I test with this plugin example and added two buttons for setting autofocus with either:
camera.SendCommand(camera.kEdsCameraCommand_DoEvfAf, camera.kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_ON)
camera.SendCommand(camera.kEdsCameraCommand_DoEvfAf, camera.kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_OFF)
As soon I send the camera.kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_ON command the camera is busy and can’t do any liveview anymore…sending then a camera.kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_OFF makes the liveview work again…
But both commands have no effect when I try to switch between manual and auto focus…
My questions:
Are those commands not supported on all cameras? At least the Canon API documents says nothing about it.
Why does sending the camera.kEdsCameraCommand_EvfAf_ON cause the camera to be busy (Error 192 in the example)
thanks in advance