Mask oddness

I need a Textfield only to hold this - so the user can only change the numbers between the ‘:’ char.


So I thought I could set the validation mask to ##:##:##:## but that doesn’t work because it depends how your system time format settings are.

I know I can use ##-##-##-## but I really need the ‘:’ as separator.

Any clues how to tackle this?

backslash + “:00” etc

the forum won’t show the backslash so…

Not sure what you meant. Were to add this? In the validation mask field?

Just aad the characters backslash and the “:00”

The forum removes the backslash character so i can show the actual format

Scoll down check “mask escape character”

He means:

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How the… i can’t put a backslash since the preview of the forum post won’t show it.!

I tried this but then you cannot edit the textfield. It’s always reverted to 00:00:00:00
I need a way that the user can change the digits. :slight_smile:


I tried to add ##:##:##:## and this works … kinda.
It does accept numbers but ones you have entered all numbers, you cannot change the numbers anymore unless you delete the whole textfield.

Select the text with \ and < in it and click on </>.

You mean you can’t show it.

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I made it a code block.