Managing a Virtual Business by Managing You

Hi There! A few weeks ago I shared a post about Virtual Businesses and their Pros and Cons. This week, I’m sharing some tips on how you can manage yourself and avoid some of the pitfalls that come with working from home! This is really useful for freelance subcontractors and developers! Check it out here:

Is this not just thinly disguised spam?

I mentioned that a while ago, but I was informed that she is posting the “Off-Topic” category and I’ve noticed she actually replies to her threads, so I’d just say it’s marketing and information for people who are either thinking of starting a small business or have just started a small business…

"marketing and information "

Looks like spam, smells like spam, sizzles in the pan like spam.

Actually, it’s not spam. If you’d taken 10 seconds to google her you’d known that Susan spoke at XDC about business practices. Being a developer is about a lot more than just writing some code.

I always marvel at how quickly people move from opinion to fact to condemnation.

I did look her up, and went to her site, which is what convinced me.

Her session at XDC was very informative and she does provide useful information to many small Xojo developers.

  1. It is posted in Off-Topic
  2. The Subject is not misleading or clickbait
  3. Nothing here requires you to read/click every post
  4. she hasn’t blasted the forum with 30 posts each day

Doesn’t tick any of the boxes for SPAM to me.

Fair enough. I read the page and did not think much of it.

Sadly, in spite of the best efforts of my consulting sangoma, my psychic abilities have not as yet advanced to being able to predetermine when a link is a waste of my time. :wink:

i found her advice very useful for me. i am always waiting for her articles. and as was mentioned above, be able to run a business based on programming code it´s not just writing code. i want her to continue to post here this useful links to her articles

spoiler–> The first thing you want to do on your calendar is to block out your personal obligations. Your God, your family and your health should be your priorities. If you are not taking care of yourself first, you will not have anything to give to your clients and your team. Take Sundays off. Make sure that gym visit is booked and that you are taking breaks for lunch. Go to your daughter’s soccer game. And don’t forget to walk the dog.
great advice!

Well, you are all more tolerant of ‘social media marketing’ - aka spam dressed as lamb - than I am.

Peter - I’m sorry that you feel this way. My intention is not to spam, but as others have mentioned here, to share business practices for developers that go beyond just coding. It is not really marketing - more insight, suggestions and advice. While I understand your perspective, based on the feedback of others on this thread, I will continue to post these things that I believe the community would benefit from.

Thanks very much to @nicolás canessa @Peter Job @Wayne Golding, @Markus Winter and @John A Knight, Jr for your support.

Fair enough, and I apologise.

Thanks Peter - You are very entitled to your opinion! But, I appreciate the apology and it is accepted.

I really appreciate the posts that @Susan Fennema puts here on the forums. They tend to be the softer skills that Developers tend to not have, or are weak. and tend to ignore. I missed her session at XDC and wish I hadn’t.

Now (this is my opinion and it is probably wrong) I believe that all of us can use more advice/education/training on the softer skills.


Maybe this forum should have a channel or sub-category specifically for stuff like this and for sharing tips on running a home software business.

Not a bad idea! @Dana Brown - something you might consider adding?

I really like the idea of creating a channel for this type of info and conversations. Maybe it could be called “The Business of Software.”

@Susan Fennema - I’m looking forward to your business and project management-oriented XDC sessions.

[quote=365650:@Tim Dietrich]I really like the idea of creating a channel for this type of info and conversations. Maybe it could be called “The Business of Software.”

@Susan Fennema - I’m looking forward to your business and project management-oriented XDC sessions.[/quote]

Thanks Tim! Looking forward to seeing you in April!