I’ve been adding undo to some old codes and hit something odd that appears to be a bug in Xojo.
The setup is that I have two windows, each uses a unique menu bar. I want the Undo menu item to show the operation being undone. When I first open the second window and do something in that window, I don’t see the operation reflected in the Edit>Undo menu text–it shows the last thing from elsewhere. But if I return to the first window, I see that I can undo that second window operation. If I now return to the second window that second window operation now shows up in the edit menu! This does not happen if the windows share the same MenuBar, so it feel like some strange thing associated with multiple menu bars.
I have made a simple example (download here, 9k) should anybody want to look at this and see if it shows up at their end. It explains itself in the main window.
A workaround (other than leaving Undo generic) would be welcome. As it is right now, my users might be puzzled when their attempt to undo something undoes something else…