I have a medium sized CSV text file that I need to search. File size is only about 2.5 meg with around 48,000 lines/entries. There will only be 2 search criteria. Date or Invoice #. It just a list of deliveries. Sqlite would be nice but other programs use the data so it has to be left alone. My first thoughts were to copy it to a virtual drive and do the reading there… or into a memory block ( might not be the right term ) or 2D array. Something to get it into ram. At most searching on date is will show maybe 30 records. Invoice# will yield only one or none.
I haven’t played with sqlite at all. So there would be a learning curve to do that. I’m not against it, but I haven’t played with databases since DB III and DB IV so I’m a little out of the loop as it were. I understand arrays and reading files. So I was more playing in my comfort zone.
If by coincidence you are also using PostgreSQL in your applicition, you could use a Foreign Data Wrapper. With that you can do SELECT * FROM myCSVfile WHERE invoice# = 123 and the like.
You can open an SQLite database as Multi-user. That way you can read it and other apps can write to it. I use this in Xojo apps all the time and it works fine. SQLite is the best intro to databases since there is no setup and no username/password logins.