[quote=176470:@James Redway]Hi Eli,
Yes I have seen that post, but the canvas is not the problem at least this time. I’m using Elastic Window, which is suppose to reshape any window to the user’s screen resolution, but in doing so it creates flicker in Windows.
The problem is, that I developed my app in a screen resolution of 1280 x 800. The customer is using a Toughbook that has a screen resolution of 1024 x 768, so when the customer loads the window, its cut off. The Elastic Window, which is no longer supported, is suppose to help that, when it sizes the window it flickers on Windows machines. (Not on Mac) I guess the developer had a falling-out with the folks at Xojo and he is no longer working with Xojo or Elastic Window.
I don’t know of any other tool out there that resizes windows to fit the default screen resolution. I don’t know how other users write their apps so the content of their windows will fit on a 1024 x 768 screen when developed in a higher resolution. I can’t lay out my windows that way, so I have to resort to this Elastic Window control. Its getting frustrating.
I wish Xojo would add this feature to their software. I know there is some talk about Auto layout, but who knows when that will be available. I can’t believe that there would not be a demand for such a control since Windows runs on all sorts of screen sizes from tiny tablets to high resolution monitors. A tool that seamlessly reshapes windows and controls at runtime I would think would be something other developers would want.[/quote]
I do not use Elastic Windows but have developed a while ago a similar product for my own use. It may even be a bit more evolved, as it manage font sizes, which is a necessity when you have screen sizes as diverse as 1024x768 up to 2550x1600. I have no plans at this stage to commercialize it, but it may change if the needs arises. Which may very well become the case betwen tablets on one end and hi dpi screens on the other. I am also working on a fully touch enabled interface.
My class works perfectly on Mac in the Resizing event, but I use it only in the Resized event on Windows to prevent flicker. Besides, it is way faster that way.
From what I know of iOS Auto Layout, it is more flexible in certain aspects, as it allows moving controls and making them relative to each other instead of to the window size, but it is also somewhat more limited, as it does not manage font size. No idea when it will arrive for desktop as well.
I am at this moment working on a Windows product and dealing with flicker issues as well. With some precautions, it can be tamed, I think. Fact is I have worked with the new API VB as well, and flicker is present there too. The main trick Metro apps use is full screen display, which allevaites all the window resizing and moving issues.