Load picture from hd to canvas1

Windows 10-64 Xojo2017r3
Objective to load picture located at C:\picsFolder\1_1 into Canvas1.
I don’t want the 'user to do anything except press a button
and automatically see the picture. No dialogue’s etc. just code.

  • create a global PICTURE var myPicture
  • load picture from HD (see PICTURE.OPEN in LangRef)
  • in Canvas Paint Event … g.DrawPicture myPicture,0,0

What’s wrong with the example here:

Modified a bit:

[code] Dim picFile As FolderItem
picFile = GetFolderItem("")

If picFile <> Nil Then
Dim pic As Picture
pic = Picture.Open(picFile)
Canvas1.Backdrop = pic
End If[/code]

What about something like this in the action event of the pushbutton (that add an exists check):

dim f as new folderitem("C:\\picsFolder", FolderItem.PathTypeNative)
if f <> nil and f.exists then
  f = f.child("1_1")
  if f <> nil and f.exists then
    dim p as picture = picture.open(f)
    if p <> nil then
      canvas1.Backdrop = p
    end if
  end if
end if

Never leave the PC to choose the image size
but always paint the background in Paint
g.drawpicture picture, 0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0,0, Picture.width, Picture.height

[quote=389369:@Rudolf Jackel]Never leave the PC to choose the image size
but always paint the background in Paint
g.drawpicture picture, 0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0,0, Picture.width, Picture.height[/quote]
depends on what you want… if you want a ScaleToFill then sure… otherwise, not so much