listing a man page from xojo

I want to have a help option that list out the man page for my program. Can I do this? Here is what I’ve tried, but it says it can’t find the man page specified.

dim sh as new shell
dim cmd as string
cmd = “man xjsnip” + chr(13) //without the chr(13) it won’t do anything.

If it’s possible, I would like to do this. I am assuming that once the page lists out I will manually have to issue a q command to quit the shell.

Can you help?

Where is xjsnip located? I’d try with the full path of the command first. And no, chr(13) isn’t necessary.

Is your manpage file properly stored in /usr/local/share/man/man[1|5]?

I finally discovered that I was not storing it in the correct path.