Listbox, not show selection ?

Hi, how can I get a listbox to NOT show the selection when I select a cell. I just want to use the listbox as a grid of information. But I will not let it show the selected row all the time…

I just want to check which cell, and then use that information later on, not highligth the selected row all the time…

I’ve tried with setting focus to another control, but still I have a grey row, but if I click in a area in the controller that has not cells, then it gets all white…
How do I code that… simulate mouseclick on edge of controller ?


if row < me.ListCount and me.Selected(row) Then g.forecolor = &cFFFFFF00 g.fillRect 0,0, g.Width, g.height return True

In Listbox.CellTextPaint

If me.Selected(row) Them   g.forecolor = textColor

Fantastic, I would never ever managed that myselft!
