Listbox headers limit?

there is a maximum limit in listbox headers?
My app seems to crash (out of bound) when I put more than 65 headers in a listbox.

If there is this limitation, what is the solution? I have tables with a lot of headers.

It’s been reported several time. Last Feedback entry #21892 - ListBox Columm limitation

This is a big limitation. I think that this should be an implementation with high priority.
There is an alternative?

I think that xojo has big potentiality.
I purchased desktop license and I want create business with xojo, but I think that limitation like this should not exist to make xojo very competitive.

You could take a look at Einhugur Software - StyleGrid

You can’t buy StyleGrid alone, you get all the plugins. (purchase $199, $45 renewal/year if you want to keep receiving updates)

please try to avoid duplicate reports and if you find such, use the oldest and send a merge request. For this topic there is for example <> 13421 - “Allow more then 64 Columns in a ListBox” which has already 72 Points in Feedback. Only by combining our strength the comunity can show the importance of an issue. See also a Blog post of Geoff on this: Moving up through the ranks

Thanks for pointing that. Now 87 points and 116th rank

I would deploy for windows, mac and linux, but at least for windows.

in web edition, listbox seems to have not this limitation.
Someone can confirm this?

Best regards.

Hi all,

Maximum number of Columns in a ListBox:
read below Multi-Column ListBoxes

I do not find anything in WebListBox; I never use it so…

BTW: how your user can display more that 64 columns ?
How your user can read data in 64 columns ?
Do you know that these are 64 VISIBLES columns, but you can have more than 64 Columns…

Columns = Headers in this post; I only talk about the number of these.

Ah!!! A year later and still not fixed…show-stopper… back to the drawingboard for a workaround :-/

I saw this limit when I was writing a data conversion program for hospital systems. I had to use one of the purchased plugins to get around it but I can’t recall what it was. I will check that program and see what it was and post it here…

IIRC you can only have 64 columns