I’m trying to change some of the properties of the Listbox header.
In particular the header text font size, header background colour, header height, header padding etc.
Im beginning to think none of this can be done without it being a major operation?
The only thing you can change is the text of the heading.
If you want more look at Dave’s lb header or this Post
Thanks Axel - thought so
you can change the header font and size with einhugur stylegrid or datagrid
but it’s a paid plugin …
I also would really it to be a listbox standard feature …
DataGrid and StyleGrid are not available for Xojo.
Read Björn’s blog to know the reason why.
Why are the Grid controls (StyleGrid and DataGrid) only for Real Studio and not the modern Xojo ?
Not enough potential sales for a total rewrite ?
that’s why I don’t like plugins … if your app rely on one plugin that is not updated, the whole app is dead.
if it is written with an ide/compiler that gets an update most of the time the rewrite is quite nothing.