Listbox expert needed!

He is drawing all of the contents of a record in a single cell in the paint events. In other words teh listbox only has one column and each record is really 1 row.

  • karen

[quote=469446:@Eduard Schlecht]@Rod Pascoe here is quick solution. you must update the code as you need (it was written in less than 15 minutes so you can improve it - at least the way you add values)


That is perfect and bloody fantastic!!! You are a grade one genius!

Thank you.

[quote=469455:@Karen Atkocius]He is drawing all of the contents of a record in a single cell in the paint events. In other words teh listbox only has one column and each record is really 1 row.

  • karen[/quote]

Thanks Karen,

I hadn’t seen the downloadable project before I answered that.

@Rod Pascoe I’ve rewrite some code. Take a look on dblclick event for reading/writing values.

Updated Project

@Rod Pascoe Very nice job !!!