Listbox.CellTypes.TextField means no need for editcellat

Does Listbox.CellTypes.TextField mean no need for editcellat?

I have this statement in the open for a listbox, and I clicked on a cell expecting to be able to edit, but was unable to.

Is this correct behavior.

That means that when you do edit the cell, it will use a TextField, as opposed to Listbox.CellTypes.TextArea, which indicates to use a TextArea.

You still have to make it editable.

And you can still call ListBox.EditCellAt if needed to go to the cell for editing now.

But if you define the cell/column as editable, it switches to editing when you click on it automatically.

Well, I’m not sure what is going on. I usually have the cell is a lighter color with a focus ring and a cursor. I know the cell is the ActiveCell since the debugger has it listed as a textfield, and it has the correct text. But it doesn’t have the right behavior. All I get is the highlighted row.

Then if I add to the CellClick event EditCellat, I do get the right behavior.
I’ll do a test project later.

I did my test project and I get a cursor. Hmmm.
I retested my app and eventually I get a cursor on the second click.
The cursor only shows up in my app in the first column.
In the test project there is no similar problem. Any cell works
No clue as to why.