Hello all you fine folks!
I’m having trouble with launching an external app…something I have done many times, and am quite familiar with. Why this isn’t working is baffling. Best I get is a “working” spinning circle for a few seconds, and then nothing. Running on Windows 10.
BTW: I have tried both a 32-bit build and a 64-bit build. Currently sticking to 64.
I have also tried running my app as administrator (that right-click method), and have also used Resource Tuner to edit the manifest of my exe and have it run with elevated permission. Nothing works.
Anyway, here’s what I’ve got:
dim FProg as FolderItem
FProg = SpecialFolder.Applications.Child("app folder").Child("app.exe")
If FProg <> Nil Then
MsgBox("FolderItem does not exist!")
End If
The app is in its own folder inside C:\Program Files
Any help would be greatly appreciated.