When I use f.launch to open a html file I want it to specifically open in Edge/Internet Explorer or Safari on Mac systems.
Is there a way to do this rather than the default browser?
The page doesn’t render correctly in Google Chrome.
will automatically use the default application for the item. To use a specific application you will need to use a declare. I know I’ve shared the one for macOS here on the forum somewhere, but I don’t have the Windows equivalent available.
I don’t understand why this post is so hard to find. I’ve just spent 30 minutes looking for it and I wrote it.
Recovered it from the Answers source
// Launch help with selected preview browser
declare function NSClassFromString lib "Foundation" (name as CFStringRef) as Ptr
declare function sharedApplication lib "AppKit" selector "sharedWorkspace" (obj As Ptr) as Ptr
dim sharedWorkspace as Ptr = sharedApplication(NSClassFromString("NSWorkspace"))
declare function openFile lib "AppKit" selector "openFile:withApplication:" (id as ptr, urlString as CFStringRef, appName as CFStringRef) as Boolean
call openFile(sharedWorkspace, TargetFolderItem.NativePath, "Safari.app")
Also available with MBS: https://www.monkeybreadsoftware.net/cocoa-nsworkspacembs-shared-method2.shtml#15
call NSWorkspaceMBS.openFile(TargetFolderItem, "Safari.app", true)
Some code I wrote long ago:
Public Sub ShowURLusingNativeBrowser(url as string)
' opens a URL in Safari (mac) or IE (win32) even if user has another browser installed
dim sh as new shell
#if TargetWin32
dim cmd as string= """%ProgramFiles%\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe"" -new " + url
#elseif TargetMacOS
dim cmd as string = "osascript -e 'tell application ""Safari"" to open location """ + url + """" + " ' "
sh.Execute cmd
dim result as string = sh.Result
End Sub