Latitude, Longitude Question

This is one area I’d be tempted to use synchronous code.

Sub Action()  
  dim url As String
  url = ",-104.9847034&sensor=false"
  latLonSock.Get(url, 10)   // the timeout parameter makes Get operate in synchronous mode
  dim doc As new XmlDocument(content)
  dim elev As String = xqlFirstInnerText(doc, "//elevation")
  latLonResultsFld.Text = "elevation: " + elev
End Sub

Thanks for the help guys.

Is the result gotten in meters or ?

if the result is meters is the below code the right way to convert it to feet ?

  Dim Feet As Integer
  Dim Meters As Double = 217.530960083008
    Meters = Meters *100
    Feet = ((Meters / 2.54)/12)
    MsgBox str(feet) + " Feet"

That’ll work. You can also combine it into a single scaler

constant kMetersToFeet = 3.28083989501312 { = (100/2.54)/12 = 100/(2.54*12) }

feet = meters * kMetersToFeet

Oh, and elevation is in meters.

Thanks guys all the help sure made my day.