An answedr comes to mind: where the OS engineers comes (what schools and on what OS did they learn) ?
a Start menu:
To bo be honest, I do not really care about the start menu. An Application menu will be welcome. Having to type the name of the application in Windows 8.1 is a step 30 years years in the Past at MS-DOS glorious days…
Look at Internet Explorer Windows 8.1: where is the menubar ?
“-” at FireFox “-”: where is the menubar ? I changed the preferences to keep the last windows / tab open at quit / launch time, but since I do not knew where is the MenuBar… I closed my window(s) and lost my open windows/tabs until I started to make a Quest on the subject and found the “quit” function (an Icon).
As some here says: we will not go into an OS war. But, after a long quest, I found yesterday evening the location in the OS where you get data about the OS Updates and, no, there was no OS Updates when I get Beep and my Windows Explorer closing my open Windows… yesterday: the last update was done on December 5th (as noted deep in Windows Update).
At last, I feel that I have a clue of why my text cursor goes away from my typing line; in fact, I feel I know why it goes where it goes, not why: it goes where the text cursor is when . What is that something ? I do not know.
About OS X: I started as an Apple (II) customer, then went to Apple France and get my OS X skills. Yosemite in its look and feel is not a good forward step. Take a look at how useless the Tag feature is (Finder, colors tag set to files / folders: where they are set in Icon view) versus how it always were…
Windows: I started to use what was called MS-DOS decades ago when we had to type the application name to fire an application. Then I use it here and then (few times a week/month, mostly for technology awareness, then to know how my files then applications behave when received by a WIndows user. I get one Windows laptop in 2003 and I was not able to watch a DVD: go figure (between other misses and wrong features).
And so, at mid September 2014, I get a 2-in-1 laptop (from a Lenovo subsidiary) and was horrified of how it behaves. But I do not had to used every days and 8 to 12 hours a day.
I recall the articles in the press talking (at Windows 8 alpha or beta stage) about Metro and everyone agree on that (even Microsoft as Michel is informed us, thanks Michel). What I wrote in this Conversation have nothing related to OS X, but is related on the difficulties of an old man, in the Computer business since 1979, have with the last piece of technology (mainly software).
Thank you for listening (reading), sending tips and info for the forum readers.
PS: in a recent movie I watch on TV, at school, the professor told to its students: “set your computers to flying mode”… Translated as is in French ! Fortunately, I learned some days before what it was… a real shame ! It was a school, a standard shcool, not a flying-in-a-plane-school !!!