Keydown enter and menumodifier and menuitem

If have a cross-platform question for menuitem key handling specifically the return/enter key (same on a Mac laptop) and menumodifier.
I am trying to test a menuitem that uses for shortcut an enter key with menumodifier key. I also have keydown in a listbox.
In the listbox in the Keydown event, I do have keyboard.asynchOsKey and keyboard.asynchControlKey trapping (but nothing with an Enter key (key = chr(13)))
On the PC I have no problem getting the menuitem to fire with the shortcuts. On the Mac this combination goes to the listbox keydown event first. It never gets to the menuitem and I also set return to false just in case
I have tested with a different menuitem (FileOpen) that uses the shortcut menumodifier on the Mac and it works.
So first is dumb question. Keyboard.asynch doesn’t trap for menumodifier - Correct?
Second. What is happening with my Mac?

Of course not, since you have async for each of these keys.

Apparently I have this problem happens on other windows. I’m not sure what is stopping the menuitem from being called.

I don’t think you can use Enter as a key for a menuItem on Mac.

Nuts. That explains it. The LR doesn’t qualify its use.

I found the way to use “enter” on a MenuItem. It goes on the MenuBar’s MenuItem Key. Not in KeyDown for the window