Keyboard in Windows 8 Xojo

Having real big problems using XOJO in windows 8. Its not just the CTRL keys which are intermittent, it seems that a few keys are not working all the time and there seems to be an issue with the keyboard buffer. Some letters are coming up slow, some not at all, when you use CTRL or shift its even more unreliable.

You can almost throw the keyboard out of the window(s) in this new IDE.

I had issues with the new IDE in windows 8. Sometimes I’m editing and then I press return for a newline, then it will not take any new input until I select another form or control then go back. I’ve had this three times in the last week. I’m not able to recreate it on demand tho.

I must trawl through the Feedback.

That said, my experience on Win 8 laptop is far from satisfactory and I’ll create another post on that.

Regards. Richard

Having similar problems with WinXP.

Copy and paste using ctrl-c / ctrl-v doesn’t work most of the time in Code Editor. Neither does the delete key. Both work just fine when I go back to Real Studio IDE.

The “Feedback” icon gets me nowhere. I press it and is says it is not installed. I press “Install” and it says the installer is missing. I press “Yes” to download the installer and nothing happens.


I had the same Feedback installation problem, I installed Feedback using the previous RS version and it offered to update it - thereafter Feedback works in Xojo.