Kaju Question about Private / Public key

Hi All,

This is my first stab at using Kaju and I think I am missing something simple, but I am not sure what it is.
I am getting the error about update signature marker is incorrect.
I followed the steps in the “Step By Step” section.
As I am looking at the kaju file I put up on my website I see that the private key is in there as well as the public key. I should remove that, right? Especially since it is readable by the entire internet.

And as I am working through the debug, in the method ProcessRaw there is this:

if StrComp( sig, kUpdatePacketMarker, 0) <> 0 Then
    return HandleError( KajuLocale.kErrorIncorrectPacketMarker )
end if

The sig = “{”
And the kUpdatePacketMarker = "KAJU "
I don’t see this value in the Kaju file so I believe I am doing something wrong.
Any thoughts?

Digging around some more and I see that in the JSON specs of the instructions the code body should look like:

	<the JSON data>

But none of the kaju files I have created have that.
What is “ABCDEF” supposed to represent? The application name?

Turns out that you “Export” the file and not upload the actual Kaju file. :roll_eyes:
My bad for not reading the instructions more carefully!

So now I get the update available screen (success!), but the update screen closes after a couple seconds and closes the rest of the application as well.
I have stepped through the debugger and there is not an exception being thrown.
Anyone have any idea how I can track down this issue?

IIRC your all needs to launch a script file to do the update before the app quits.

So it is closing everything to do the install, but not launching the script?
I will see if I can find that trigger.
Right now the window closes so fast though I am not able to click on anything nor have much time to read it.

There is a method called “HandleOKButton” which does the download and then another method called “StartUpdate”. Neither of those can happen unless I click on the “Install Update” button and the windows close before I get a chance to do that.

You’re going to have to wait for @Kem_Tekinay i guess. I’ve exhausted my knowledge of how it works

Sure, no worries and no rush.
It is, after all, New Year’s Day. :man_shrugging:

Did you put Quit command somewhere in the code?

Searching through the code for the word “Quit” I see it come up in the Kaju context, but in “my” code I have not called it.

Odd. I think you’ll have to set breakpoints at various places, maybe in window Closing or CancelClosing events, to see what’s going on.

@Kem_Tekinay Sorry for the delayed response, but paying work needed my attention.
I put a break point on one of the last lines of the KajuUpdateWindow.Opening It gets hit twice and after the second time it closes and so does the application. The Closing event never gets called.
I did have to convert this to API 2 so the code from Open and Close got moved to Opening and Closing.
I know there were a couple other things I had to do to move it over, but I don’t recall the specifics at the moment.
What else would you like me to try?

I guess start commenting/uncommenting code until the problem goes away. I haven’t seen this before, so I really don’t have any great advice.

OK. I will report back here once I have this sorted.