June Fun With Appity App Contest

We had already announced the Xojo Appity App contest that was going to be held at the conference. Several people who were attending have said they had some good ideas for it and/or had already made something, so why not still do it? We could all use a little summer fun! Participation is optional, fun is mandatory!

Announcing Appity App For All

Are you someone who wants to show off your app making skills while not providing a useful solution to a problem? Do you think a Rube Goldberg machine is an efficient use of your time? Well then, the Xojo Appity App Contest is for you! Much like the Electric Shaver app and Yo, use Xojo to build an unnecessary app, a silly app, an app no one asked for. Just a heads up, iBeer is already a thing.

Appity App submissions can be on any platform and will be voted on by the community. Want to participate but not sure how? Come to one of our Monday - Wednesday - Friday Hangouts and brainstorm!

Entries are due June 22nd, but let us know (email or pm me) by June 15th if you plan on participating. You do not have to include your app at that time, we are just trying to get a headcount. Then when we know the number of participants, we can provide more information on exactly how it will work.


When will the xojo 2020 version be available?

i made a Rest of Life Pixel app :o

Did I miss the “more details” somehow?

No, not yet. Just email me by the 15th and let me know if you plan on participating.

The “way” it will work will depend on how many entries we get. For example, if we get 10 entries, we will be able to share them over 1 hangout, or if we get more than that we might have to break it up into multiple or do it a different way.

Paul put together an Appity App Teaser App on Android, check it out here!

Reminder - let me know by the end of the day today if you’re planning on participating in Appity App!

@Dana Brown
do we have to provide the source code to enter the contest ? or an executable is enough ?

hi dana, i like to join. please add me with “Rest of Life Pixel”
i put my in ms store (11.06.) and await the certification which take a few days … should be online soon and it have a one week trial.

… i wrote you a mail :wink:

[quote=492304:@Jean-Yves Pochez]@Dana Brown
do we have to provide the source code to enter the contest ? or an executable is enough ?[/quote]
No source code needed! But today you just need to let me know, apps don’t have to be ready until the 22nd. More details will be available once we see how many are participating.

so I’m in.

Depends, do we get to be as cool as Paul and do a Xojo Android app?

Last call for anyone else interested, please email me by the end of the day today to let me know. More details available tomorrow for all participants.

does it have to be pure xojo or are plugins allowed?

Sure, plugins are allowed.

We have enough people participating to do this during our Xojo Hangout next Wednesday, June 24th at 2PM ET. If anyone else decides they’d like to participate between now and then - just let me know!

We will let each participant screenshare to show us their app! If you’d like to provide a link for everyone to download it, that’s fine too, just let me know so I can distribute. If you cannot attend the Hangout, you can send me your compiled app or make a quick video and I’ll share it with the group on your behalf.

Everyone in attendance will vote on their favorites at the end. And you do not have to be participating to join in on the fun - come check out some Apps that no one asked for! :slight_smile: