Looking at the iosCanvas I see pointer up/down/drag. But there does not seem to be anything like a ‘mouse over’ or hover. This would be where the pointer is moved to some position, but not actually clicked - for example to create contextual menus, or unique features. Is there some way to get this functionality on iOS devices?
I don’t think it is possible to mouse over or hover on iOS.
Surely there is a way to get the built in camera to determine that you have your finger poised ready to press the screen?
(not serious)
If you think about it, there is no cursor in iOS, so by definition, stuff like mouseenter, mousexit, mousemove cannot exist.
The closest would be pointerdrag.
[quote=396740:@Jeff Tullin]Surely there is a way to get the built in camera to determine that you have your finger poised ready to press the screen?
(not serious)[/quote]
Actually, there are ways to bypass the system, to detect hover. The screen is way more sensitive than we usually think. I have seen videos of people moving their hand half a foot away from the screen and getting input. But that is not possible in a plain out of the box iOS device. It requires modifying the system, and possibly the ROM.
You could, anyway, use either the Touch events of UIView directly or install a PanGestureRecognizer. Both should be possible with one of the iOS libraries/extensions.