Is there anyway I can use my mouse on a picture in an image well


You are looking at the real code and since it’s in a string it can be mis-spelled and still work
The worlds worst speller LOL

it looks like your code does nothing but lauch MSPAINT???

If so, look at FolderItem and LAUNCH instead

The second variable tells paint where the picture is. It opens paint with the picture already loaded.

s.Execute(str__PathToProgramWanted, str__AbsoultePathToPicture)

The first variable str__PathToProgramWanted tells the system where and what program is to be run. In this case Paint
The second variable str__AbsoultePathToPicture Tells Paint where the picture to load is located.

It works really good and is relatively fast. (But nothing is faster than image well)

Hope this helps; as you can tell I’m not very good at describing things or explaining what I want.

PS: No spaces are allowed in the picture path.

ok… not sure how this relates to your original question
since as stated by myself and others… the canvas is most likely the best solution.
unless you intent is to allow the user to do whatever they want with the images, since once MSPAINT has control, you no longer do

Like I said earlier I did not really know what I wanted when I started this thread and I’m really sorry about all the misundersanding I caused.
My program is a database bible study program that only I use and I have been developing for over ten years. That is why my knowledge of other useful functions like canvas is so limited.


Step back and describe form a USERS POINT OF VIEW what you would like them to see and be able to do with a “picture”
Forget for a moment the programming side of it… first you need to define the required functionality