Is it possible to Rotate (90°) a TextEdit Control (OS X) ?

Stupid question 'cause who will read it anyway ?

But, it is possible to rotate (to 90°) a TextEdit Control. How to do that ? Very simple, use a right-click on the Control and tell it to do so.

I was curious to know what this was and so I activated it.

Here’s the answer:

BTW: why don’t take this opportunity to make some ad for xDev, the Xojo Magazine ?

What is the app? An xDev database?

Yes… and no.

In fact, this is a multimedia application that allows to store data and get it back in this format.

Yes: I created a “Book” that displays as you can see, xDev cover and its Table of Contents. Useful to get results: yes, I can make an issue search, but more important, a text search in the whole “Book”.

I have data for StarGate (the movie, SG-1, Atlantis and Universe), JAG, a French computer magazine, and many Comics (as seen in other conversations).

BTW: the application can also print the current “Card” (issue in the xDev example): it generate nice PDF (I never tried to print it on paper).

I think, you have to write your own control. For example with a canvas.

But thats not an easy task.

For Cocoa apps you can try rotating the view

[myView setFrameRotation:angleInDegrees];

Just a regular ole TextField dragged out into a window, run the app and then right click in the Text Field. Apple have added this at some point, don’t know when and don’t see why either. It’s system wide, so you can go into TextEdit and do the same.