Is folderitem.openaspicture deprecated?

Folderitem.openaspicture still works, but I notice that openaspicture doesn’t appear in the language reference, and if you hit tab after entering Folderitem. in the code editor, it doesn’t show up in the list of options. If it’s deprecated, are we supposed to use openasvectorpicture in its place? It seems to work with with bitmapped pictures, so the method name seems rather ambiguous.

[quote=293474:@Robert Weaver]Folderitem.openaspicture still works, but I notice that openaspicture doesn’t appear in the language reference, and if you hit tab after entering Folderitem. in the code editor, it doesn’t show up in the list of options. If it’s deprecated[quote]
It is

[quote=293474:@Robert Weaver] are we supposed to use openasvectorpicture in its place?

[quote=293475:@Norman Palardy]No

Ah, thanks! That was the one I was looking for.