Iphone app development on windows [HELP!]


I’m currently a student and just started Computer Programming. I was wondering how do I allow Xojo to allow for Iphone app development on a windows system? I don’t really want to have to go through the trouble of making a virtual environment.

You don’t. Xojo iOS development requires OS X.

You can pick up a decent Mac computer on eBay. The cheapest alternative may be a MacMini. There are some on eBay (buy it now) for around $300. You will need your own monitor and keyboard.

BUT — to deploy you will need a license for Xojo that will also cost more.

and an install of Xcode so you have the simulators

Are you tellin that it is possible to develop an application for iOS without an iOS device ?

Can you develop an iOS app on an iOS device?

For Xojo at least the xcode simulator is required to debug, so iOS apps are limited to the MacOS environment.

And yes @Emile Schwarz you can develop an iOS app without a device although I’d never release a product I hadn’t tested in its target environment.

You are right Wayne, 100% right !

Since an iOS device have a Touch Screen / Mac do not have, how is it possible ?
(yes, it seems that my original question was a bit nave or too hopeful).

[quote=309784:@Emile Schwarz]Edit:
Since an iOS device have a Touch Screen / Mac do not have, how is it possible ?
(yes, it seems that my original question was a bit naïve or too hopeful).[/quote]

the simulator has touch screen emulation via using a mouse to click where the finger would go. It has its limitations as well. As @Wayne Golding suggested, you can develop on the simulator but test on a real device before releasing it.

Well, thanks to duet at https://www.duetdisplay.com/ you can have a second screen on your Mac on a iPad which will not only have the TouchPad, but also a fully touch enable screen. So if you place the simulator on that second screen, you have touch :slight_smile: