I hope I am putting this in the right forum.
I am working with IOSTable
I am looking for example code for the AccessoryAction
So far I have only been able to trigger the table Action. What am I missing?
I have populated the table with the following code:
[code] Dim cellData As iOSTableCellData
For section As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim s As Integer = CompleteDrillList.AddSection("Section " + section.ToText)
For row As Integer = 1 To 5
cellData = New iOSTableCellData
cellData.Text = "Line " + row.ToText
cellData.DetailText = “Details”
cellData.AccessoryType = iOSTableCellData.AccessoryTypes.Disclosure
CompleteDrillList.AddRow(s, cellData)
But when I click on the disclosure bracket, only the Action Event is fired. If I delete the Action event, I get nothing.
Any ideas?
I am looking to have an action for when the user selects a row and a different action for when they select the discovery icon.